To cite the RulesTools package in publications, use: Toth N (2025). _RulesTools: Tools for Preparing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Association Rules_. R package version 0.1.0, . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {RulesTools: Tools for Preparing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Association Rules}, author = {Nikolett Toth}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.1.0}, url = {}, } Nolan K, Loeza-Quintana T, Little H, McLeod J, Ranger B, Borque D, Hanner R (2023). “Detection of brook trout in spatiotemporally separate locations using validated eDNA technology.” _Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences_, *13*, 66–82. doi:10.1007/s13412-022-00800-x . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {Kathleen P. Nolan and Tzitziki Loeza-Quintana and Hannah A. Little and Joschka McLeod and Benjamin Ranger and Danielle A. Borque and Robert H. Hanner}, title = {Detection of brook trout in spatiotemporally separate locations using validated eDNA technology}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences}, year = {2023}, volume = {13}, pages = {66–82}, doi = {10.1007/s13412-022-00800-x}, } This package relies on the following data: